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  Reading:【课文要点】讲过程解释Process ex- planation.有两类:

  1) directive explanationo teach people how to car- ry out a project step by step with instructions.

  2) informational explanationo just tell person a general idea about the information, people are not able to do it themselves.




  Sample answer:

  The reading passage explains a definition of process explanation, which means that one tells somebody else how to do something. There are two types of the process explanation. One is directive explanation, and the other is informational explanation.

  In the lecture, the professor gives two examples to further illustrate this. The first example is that he bought a cell phone recently, but he didn' t know how to put the phone number into the cell phone. His friend taught him how to enter the name and phone number step by step, which is the directive process explanation. When using this method of explanation, a person explains all the steps involved in doing something.The second example is that he watched an educational program on TV the night before, which is about how the signal is transmitted from one cell phone to another by satellite, but it didnt tell how to operate it. That is informational process explanation. So the professor still had no idea how to use his phone because he knew the theory behind it but couldn' t put it into practice。


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