part-time job, full-time job, temporary job, internship program, summer break(暑假), vacation jobs, office work
* ①学生和老师结合本专业和兴趣,谈论工作意向*
tough(坚强的,艰苦的), stressed(有压力的,累的), dread(可怕的), demand physical endurance
excellent opportunity / chance, difficult decision, wonderful, dilemma(进退两难), fondness(钟爱)
cram the night(临时抱佛脚), hit the book(学习,复习,有临阵磨枪之意), study up(熬夜)* ②面试*
career advisory service(职业咨询服务), headcount(职缺), positions are open, interview, offer, permanent employment(终身雇佣,铁饭碗), on-boarding(入职), board(董事会)
uniform, formal clothes, suit, casual clothes, trousers(西裤),tie, bow tie(领结),tube(隧道,地铁), metro(地铁,伦敦地下铁道), cab(出租车)
working experience, short term experience, academic credit(学分)
working hours, workload(工作量), selling garden tools/carpets, save wounded/injured animals
weekdays (during the week), weekends, bank holidays(公假日), public holidays
pay for living expense, housing and food allowance, pound/dollar per hour, starting salary, wage(周薪), receive no salary
apply for, fill out an application(填写申请表), fit into my schedule(排进日程), flexible(灵活的), career training
非商业:NGO(Non-Governmental Organizations,非政府组织), volunteer, freelance(自由职业者), laboratory assistant(实验室助理)
商业部门工作:receptionist(接线员,前台)maintain website, handle customer complaint, specialist(专员), executive(执行人员),supervisor(主管)
家庭服务性:bar attendant(酒吧服务员), waiter, waitress, shop assistant, sales assistant, childcare, babysitter, zoo attendant(动物园管理员), domestic work(家务劳动), carpenter(木匠)