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The whole nation was in deep sorrow to learn of Lincoln’s death.


He went to buy an English novel in the bookstore.


He woke up to find that he was lying in the hospital.



Having finished his homework,he went to bed.完成作业后,他去睡觉了。(时间状语)

Greatly inspired by the teacher’s words,he made up his mind to work even harder.


He stood there waiting for a bus.他站在那里等车。(伴随状语)

Playing all day,you will waste your valuable time.


The hurricane left,destroying many houses.


Though warned of the danger,the children went on skating on the thin ice.




He went out shutting the door behind him.


Not knowing what to do,he went to his parents for help.

由于不知如何办是好,他去找父母帮忙。(not knowing与he是主动关系)


Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.

如果对这些树多关心一些,它们本来会长得更好。(give与the trees是被动关系)

Faced with difficulties,we must try to overcome them.




He got home to learn that his father was ill.他回到家中,得知他父亲病了。

Tom got to the station only to find the train had gone.



His parents died,leaving him an orphan.父母去世了,结果他成为孤儿。

It rained heavily,causing severe flooding in that country.



1.【安徽】While waiting for the opportunity to get________,Henry did his best to perform his duty.

A.promote B.promoted C.promoting D.to promote

【答案】B 考查非谓语动词。句意:在等待机会被提拔期间,亨利尽量履行好自己的职责。promote的逻辑主语为Henry,且两者之间为动宾关系,故应使用promoted。故选B。

2.【北京】________ carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab.

A.Observe B.To observe C.Observed D.Observing

【答案】A 考查非谓语动词。根据上下文可知,后面提供了两个从句,一个为条件状语从句,另一个为时间状语从句的省略句。由此可知,句意表述在某条件下和某时间,建议某人做某事。这里选择动词原形,引导的是祈使句。故选A。

3.【北京】Last night,there were millions of people________the opening ceremony live on TV.

A.watch B.to watch C.watched D.watching

【答案】D 考查非谓语动词。句意:昨晚有几百万的人看电视上直播的开幕式。watching引导的现在分词短语作定语,说明人们在做什么,与前面的people构成主谓关系。故选D。

4.【北京】There are still many problems________before we are ready for a long stay on the moon.

A.solving B.solved C.being solved D.to be solved

【答案】D 考查非谓语动词。根据题干信息,非谓语动词在这里作定语,限定“要去解决的问题”。根据非谓语动词作定语的规则:现在分词表示主动和正在发生;过去分词表示被动和完成;不定式表示将要发生。故选D。

5.【北京】The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without________.

A.recognizingB.being recognized

C.having recognizedD.having been recognized

【答案】B 考查非谓语动词。根据题中的介词without 判断,此处应该使用动名词形式,由于他是被人认出的,所以应该用动名词的被动式,故选B。

6.【全国大纲卷】Today there are more airplanes________more people than ever before in the skies.

A.carry B.carrying C.carried D.to be carrying

【答案】B 考查非谓语动词。句意:现在天空中比以前有更多的飞机运送更多的乘客。此处airplane和carrying 之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。故选B。

7.【福建】________ the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong,Linda appears more mature than those of her age.

A.Spending B.Spent C.Having spent D.To spend

【答案】C 考查非谓语动词。句意:作为一名交换生,林达去年在香港生活学习以后,看起来比她的那些同龄人更成熟。主语Linda和动词spend 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,并且spend的动作发生在appear 动作之前,故使用现在分词的完成式,故选C。

8.【福建】For those with family members far away,the personal computer and the phone are important in staying________.

A.connected B.connecting C.to connect D.to be connected

【答案】A 考查非谓语动词。句意:对于那些与家人相隔遥远的人来说,个人电脑和电话在(他们与家人之间)保持联系方面起着重要的作用。(be)connected with是固定短语,意为“与……保持联系、联络”,其中connected可以看作表示状态的形容词,用作表语;stay可以用作系动词,故选A。

9.【湖南】Children,when________by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium.

A.to be accompaniedB.to accompany


【答案】D 考查非谓语动词和省略。句意:有家长陪同的孩子们才准许进入体育馆。动词 accompany与主语children构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用被动语态;当从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中含有be动词的某种形式时,从句中的主语和be动词可以一起省略,本题中省略的部分为they are。故选D。

10.【湖南】________ your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.

A.UnderstandingB.To be understood

C.Being understoodD.Having understood

【答案】A 考查非谓语动词。句意:了解你自己的需要和交流风格与学会表达你的喜爱和情感一样重要。此处用非谓语动词作主语,且动词后有自己的宾语,因此用主动形式。故选A。

11.【湖南】There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,________at the night sky.

A.to stare B.staring C.stared D.having stared

【答案】B 考查非谓语动词。句意:躺在草坪的中央遥望着夜空,没有比这更快乐的事情了。此处staring作伴随状语,与隐含的主语(说话人)构成主动关系。故选B。

12.【湖南】________ ourselves from the physical and mental tensions,we each need deep thought and inner quietness.

A.Having freed B.Freed C.To free D.Freeing

【答案】C 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了避免身体上和精神上的紧张,我们每一个人都需要沉思和内心的寂静。此处用不定式表目的。故选C。

13.【江苏】The lecture________,a lively question-and-answer session followed.

A.being given B.having given C.to be given D.having been given

【答案】D 考查非谓语动词。句意:先是做了演讲,接着是一个生动的问答环节。分析该句结构可知,该句为独立主格结构,空白处作状语,lecture和give 之间为被动关系,并表示动作已经发生,故用having been done,故选D。

14.【江西】When it comes to________in public,no one can match him.

A.speak B.speaking C.being spoken D.be spoken

【答案】B 考查非谓语动词。句意:当谈到在公共场合发言时,没有人能和他相比。做此题时可用排除法,先根据介词的用法排除A、D两项,再根据主动语态排除C项,确定答案。come to短语中的to为介词,后接动名词作宾语,此处指“发言”,不用被动,故选B。

15.【江西】________ nearly all our money,we couldn’t afford to stay at a hotel.

A.Having spent B.To spent C.Spent D.To have spent

【答案】A 考查非谓语动词。句意:我们几乎已经花完了所有的钱,没钱住旅馆了。根据句意可用排除法排除作目的状语的不定式;spend与we之间为主动关系,spend这一动作发生在afford之前,故应该用现在分词的完成式。故选A。

16.【江西】He is thought________foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job.

A.to act B.to have acted C.acting D.having acted

【答案】B 考查非谓语动词。句意:他被认为举止愚蠢。现在除了他自己没人为他失去这份工作负责。be thought后应该接不定式,act的动作发生在think 动作之前,故应该用不定式的完成式。故选B。

17.【山东】There’s a note pinned to the door________when the shop will open again.

A.saying B.says C.said D.having said

【答案】A 考查非谓语动词。句意:门上别了一张便条写了商店再开门的时间。句子的主干是there’s a note,pinned to是过去分词短语作定语,修饰note,say与note是主动关系,故用现在分词作定语,修饰note。故选A。

18.【山东】It’s standard practice for a company like this one________a security officer.

A.employed B.being employed C.to employ D.employs

【答案】C 考查非谓语动词。句意:对于一个像这样的公司来说,雇用一个保安是常规做法。句中的it是形式主语,to employ a security officer是真正的主语。故选C。

19.【陕西】It’s quite hot today.Do you feel like________for a swim?

A.to go B.going C.go D.having gone

【答案】B 考查非谓语动词。feel like后跟非谓语动词作宾语时用动名词形式,故选B。

20.【陕西】________ the difficult maths problem,I have consulted Professor Russell several times.

A.Working out B.Worked out C.To work out D.Work out

【答案】C 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了解出那道数学难题,我去向Russell 教授咨询过好几次。所填词作目的状语,用动词不定式,故选C。

21.【四川】The manager was satisfied to see many new products________after great effort.

A.having developedB.to develop


【答案】C 考查非谓语动词。句意:在做出巨大努力之后,看到很多新产品被研发出来,经理很满意。此处是非谓语动词作感官动词see的宾语补足语,develop与宾语products为被动关系,故使用过去分词。故选C。


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