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[高中]全新语法:不定代词 三、复合不定代词








This is something special.这是种特别的东西。

Somebody has stolen my dog.有人偷了我的狗。

【提示】 something,somebody,someone希望得到肯定答复时,可用于疑问句中。

— Would you like something to drink? 你想要些喝的吗?

— Yes,please.是的。


Is there anything the matter with you? 你有什么地方不对劲吗?

I don’t know anything about it.我对它一无所知。

I can’t meet anybody on the island.在岛上,我没遇见任何人。

If you want anything,call me,please.你要是需要什么,请叫我。

If anybody comes,ask him to wait a while.如果有人来,叫他等一会。


Anybody knows the answer.任何人都知道答案。

You can take anything if you like.如果你喜欢,可以拿任何东西。


There’s nobody there,is there? 那儿没有人,是吗?

There’s nothing in the box,is there? 盒子里没有东西,是吗?

【提示】 nothing,nobody作主语时,不能转换为“anything/anybody ...not”句式。


I believe everybody can.我相信每个人都能。

Everything is ready.一切都准备好了。


Not everything will go well.并非一切都会那么顺利。

The teacher didn’t call everyone’s name.老师并没有点所有人的名。


①I can’t catch everything in the book.我没有完全掌握书中的内容。(部分否定)

②I can catch nothing in the book.我完全看不懂书中的内容。(完全否定)

③I can’t catch anything in the book.我完全看不懂书中的内容。(完全否定)



Everything is fine.一切正常。

Everybody is here.大家都到齐了。


This is something special.这是种特别的东西。(special修饰something)

Haven’t you got anything to do? 你无事可干吗?(to do修饰anything)


Nobody is in the room,is he (are they)? 屋里没人,是不是啊?(nobody用he或they)

Everything is ready,isn’t it? 一切准备就绪,是不是啊?(everything用it)

There is nothing in the box,is there? 盒子里没有东西,是吗?


Every one of the students has a book.每一个学生都有书。

You can take any one of these.你可以随便拿一个。


Grammar isn’t everybody’s idea of fun.语法不是每个人都认为有趣的。

There’s somebody’s glove on the floor.某人的手套在地板上。

【提示】 后跟else时,’s形式则移至else之后。

That must be somebody else’s coat;it isn’t mine.那一定是别人的外套,不是我的。

His hair is longer than anyone else’s.他的头发比谁都长。


anything but 并不;决不       nothing but 只;不过

do nothing but do sth.只有     have something to do with 与……有关

have nothing to do but/except do sth.除……之外别无办法


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