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[高中]全新语法:冠词的位置 二、不定冠词的特殊位置







Peter is as good a cook as Jim.彼得与吉姆是一样好的厨师。

Jennifer is not so smart a girl as I thought.詹尼弗不像我认为的那么机灵。

Mary is too young a girl to be left by herself at home.玛丽太小不能把她单独留在家里。

How good a book it is! 这是多好的一本书啊!


I have never seen such an animal.我从来没有看见过这样的动物。

I know such a clever boy.我认识如此聪明的一个男孩。

I know so clever a boy.

3.“many a+单数名词”句式中

Many a man is fit for the job.许多人能做这份工作。

Many a student has made that mistake before.许多学生犯过那个错误。

Many a boy enjoys swimming.许多男生喜欢游泳。

a good/great many boys enjoy swimming.

4.rather,quite 句式中

He has a rather comfortable house.他有一幢相当舒适的房子。

He has rather a comfortable house.

He has rather comfortable a house.

He is quite a skilled worker.他确实是个熟练的工人。

He is a quite skilled worker.



half an inch=a half inch 半英寸

half an hour=a half hour 半小时

half an apple=a half apple 半个苹果


two and a half weeks=two weeks and a half 两周半

two and a half hours=two hours and a half 两个半小时

6.“what+a+adj.+n.” 感叹句中

What a clever boy he is! 他是个多么聪明的男孩啊!

What a splendid performance you gave us! 你的演出多么精彩!


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