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三. 不定代词

1. 用some还是用any

1) 一般说来,some用于肯定;any用于否定,例如:

There are some letters for you. There aren't any letters for me.

2) 疑问句中,一般用any,如问话人心中已经有“数”,或认为对方会做出肯定回答时,用some。试比较:

Have you any apples? (I can't see any.)

Could I have some of those apples? (which I can see.)

3) 注意其它方式的否定因素也可决定应该用any,如:

I don't think there are any letters.(主句动词否定转移,从句中用any。)

The boy solved the problem without any difficulty. (介词without含否定意味。)

4) any在表示“任何(人或物)”时,可用于肯定句中:

Oh! Any book will do;I just want something to read on the train.

5) 当说话人心中有“数”(尽管可能不是具体数字)时,否定句中也用some,如:

Some boys haven't done their homework.(肯定有人没做,尽管不一定知道是多少人。)

6) any可用条件从句中,表示情况不明或未定,如:

Let me know if you need any help.(不知道对方是否需要帮助。)

试比较: Let me know if you need some help.(知道能如何提供帮助。)

2. all和both

1) all和both后面的of可有可无。

All / Both (of) the desks are new.

注:Both the desks... = Both of the desks... = Both desks...(the或of the可有可无)

2) 注意下列两种句子里all/both的位置

They all / both agree with me. I agree with them all / both.


3) all/both同频度副词一样,可位于句中(主、谓语之间或谓语动词结构之中),如:

They all / both came. They were all / both waiting.


3. either与neither


You've got two answers. Either is correct. Neither is wrong.

There are trees on either/each side of the street.

Neither of the books is worth reading.(=Neither of the books are worth reading)

4. nobody, no one, nothing和none

nobody和no one指人,作单数,后面不能接of 短语,例如:

Nobody/No one knows why she was late again.

Nobody was hurt in the match,were they?(反意疑问句中,可用复数代词they来代替。)

nothing指物,作单数;none指人或物,作单救或复数均可。none既可用于可数名词,也可用于不可数名词, 例如:

None of the money on the table is mine.

None of his reasons was/were true.

There's nothing on the table but a blue cap.

Of all my classmates, none likes dancing.

5. every与each


On every/each side of the square there were soldiers.

(The square has more than two sides。every side = each side =all sides表示“每边、各边”。) 试比较:

On either/each side of the road there were soldiers.

(The road has only two sides. either side= each side = both sides,表示二者之中“每一边”。)


Each has two books.(each作主语)

We each are satisfied with our own rooms.


We are satisfied with our own rooms each. (each作同位语时,也可置于句末。)

6. other, the other和another

1) other表示“另外的(人或物)”,“其他的(人或物)”,其复数形式为others。例如:

There are other ways of doing this exercise.

Lei Feng was always ready to he1p others.

2) the other表示两者之中的“另一个(人或物)”,其复数形式为the others,例如:

He has a pen in one hand and a book in the other.。

Only three of the students were in the classroom;the others were all on the playground.


We must always be ready to help others.

3) another表示不定数目中的“另一个或类似的下个(人或物)”,还可与数词连用,表示“再,又”的意思。例如:

How about another cup of tea?

The strike may last another two weeks.

7. one

1) one只可用于指代可数名词,其复数形式是ones。例如:

If you can't find your pen,use the one on the table.

What nice shirts!which one/ones shall we buy?

2) one/ones通常不能直接用在their,my,his等物主代词以及a(n),own,several和名词所有格后面。例如:

His knife seems sharper than mine.(不能用 my one代替mine)

They don't like this town;they want very much to go back to their own.(不能用 * their own one代替their own 或 their own country)


Have you any knives?I need a sharp one.

My old dictionary isn't as good as John's new one.

3) the/this/that one与that:


The weather in Wuhan is much warmer than that in Tianjing. (that不能用the one取代) that后面常接of短语,例如:

This dictionary is more expensive than that one.(that one=that dictionary. one一般不省略)

The window of your room is much bigger than that of mine.(that=the window,它后面有of短语,一般不用the one替代)

有时候the one和that可以互相取代,如:

The gold ring is in that box --- the one(=that)with the key in the lock.

4) one可以泛指人,相当于you,we,people,其所有格为one's。例如:

One should do one's/his duty.


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