Intro:Have your parents or your teacher ever told you, "Sit still and be quiet.?" Did you know God tells even adults to "Be still?" Let's look at Psalm 46:10
Presentation:Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am Goda?|" Explanation:"Be still" means to be calm or quiet on the inside so you can hear what the Lord is trying to tell you. "and know that I am God" means to remind yourself that God is in control of everything that happens!
小朋友们, 你们的父母或老师有没有曾经要求你们安静地坐在那里休息?你知道吗?神叫大人也要休息。让我们来看诗篇46:10。神说:"你们要休息, 要知道我是神。" "休息"的意思就是叫我们安息, 就是心里面平静安稳, 这样我们才可以听得见神要对我们说的话。"要知道我是神"的意思就是提醒你自己神主宰著每一件发生的事情。
Application:If you are a child of God, you will face problems and tough times when you feel so alone and depressed, maybe feeling like you are the only one who is still trying to follow God. God says "Be still" and remember He is in control of everything that happens to you. He promises He will work it all out for your good.
如果你是神的孩子, 在你遇到困难的时候, 你也许会觉得孤单, 灰心。甚至觉得只剩下你在跟随神。神说"要休息" , 要记住他在一切事情上掌权!他应许万事互相效力, 让爱神的人得益处。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, you are not God's child. You are without His wonderful care and comfort, but God doesn't want that. He loves you and longs for you to be His child, to care for you and guide you through life's problems. Won't you go now to "How to Be a Child of God."
如果你还没有相信耶稣, 你就不是神的孩子。你也就没有他的看顾和安慰。但神爱你, 神希望你成为他的孩子, 他就可以看顾你, 指引你走出生活里各样的困难。请你去听怎样成为神的孩子, 并照那里所说的去做。
Review:Will you write this verse down and say it over and over to yourself this week?What a good reminder it will be to you when you face life's problems! Another good reminder is this little song!Be still, my child, and know that I am God.I understand, I'm keeping careful watch.Let your heart rest, My time is best, I'm in complete control.Be still, and know that
让我们把今天的圣经经节写下来, 反复地去思想。当你在生活中遇到困难的时候, 这是一个多么好的提醒。我们也可以用这首歌来作为我们的提醒:安息, 我的孩子, 要知道我是神, 安息, 我在看顾你, 安息, 孩子, 我的时候最好, 因我在掌权, 安息, 我的孩子, 要知道我是神.