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  Interior Design

  Although interior design has existed since the beginning of architecture, its development intoa specialized field is really quite recent. Interior designers have become important partly because ofthe many functions that might be __________ (1) in a single large building.

  The importance of interior design becomes__________(2) when we realize how much time we __________ (3) surrounded by four walls. Whenever we need to be indoors, we want our surroundings to be __________(4) attractive and comfortable as possible. We also expect __________(5)place to be appropriate to its use. You would be __________ (6) if the inside of your bedroom were suddenly changed tolook__________(7) the inside of a restaurant. And you wouldn't feel __________ (8) in a business officethat has the appearance of a school.

  It soon becomes clear that the interior designer's most important basic__________(9) is the function of the particular__________ (10). For example, a theater with poor sight lines, poor sound-shaping qualities, and__________ (11) few entries and exits will not work for__________ (12) purpose, no matter howbeautifully it might be__________ (13). Nevertheless,for any kind of space, the designer has to make many of the same kind of __________(14). He or she must coordinate the shapes, fighting and decoration ofeverything from ceiling to floor.__________ (15) addition, the designer must usually select furniture ordesign built-in furniture, according to the functions that need to be served

  1. A. consisted B. contained  C. composed  D. comprised

  2. A. obscure  B. attractive  C. appropriate  D. evident

  3. A. spend  B. require  C. settle  D. retain

  4. A. so  B. as  C. thus  D. such

  5. A. some  B. any  C. this  D. each

  6. A. amused  B. interested  C. shocked  D. frightened

  7. A. like  B. for  C. At  D. into

  8. A. correct  B. proper  C. right  D. suitable

  9. A. care  B. concern  C. attention  D. intention

  10. A. circumstance  B. environment  C. surroundings  D. space

  11. A. too  B. quite  C. a  D. far

  12. A. their  B. its  C. those  D. that

  13. A. painted  B. covered  C. ornamented  D. decorated

  14. A. solutions  B. conclusions  C. decisions  D. determinations

  15. A. For  B. In  C. As  D. with




  3.A。空格所在部分是how much time+定语从旬,“surrounded by…”是过去分词做主语we的补语,相当于“when we are surrounded by…”。空格填入的词必须能够与其逻辑宾语time搭配,填入动词的含意要有“花费,消耗”的意思。故答案为A。

  4.B。本句的后面出现了关键信息词as possible。as…as possible意为“尽可能”,是固定短语。as…as意为“和……一样”,not so…as意为“不如……”。

  5.D。some修饰可数名词复数时,表示“一些”,而句子中的place是单数;当它用在单数可数名词前时表示“某种”,也与题意不符。any表示“任何一个”,与文意不符。thisplace是特定地指某地,在文中作者是泛指,因此this不符合题意。each意为“每一个”,相当于every,each place在此处指室内的每一个地方,故符合题意。


  7.A。选项的四个介词都可以与动词look相搭配look like the inside ofa restaurant意为“看起来像餐馆店堂一样”。

  8.C。right除了表示“正确的,合适的”意义之外,还可表达出人的心理活动,not feel fight表示“感觉不太舒服”,正符合题意。


  10.D。我们发现在后面出现了for any kind ofspace(对任何空间而言),与前面相互呼应,所以应选space“空间”。

  11.A。本题的语境句是一个双重否定句。with短语中的三点内容,即poor sight lines、poor sound.shaping qualities和few entries and exits中的poor和few都具有否定的意义,正好与剧院内部设计的“不合理”相对应。根据上下文,必须继续保持few的否定意义。A为正确选项。

  12.B。解答本题的关键在于弄清楚句子前后的指代关系。该句可简化为a theater will not work for__________ purpose。根据上下文,此处应填入表示所属关系的物主代词,同时,所填入的代词既要与前面的主旬的主语a theater(单数,指物)一致,也要与后面从句中的主语it一致。故B为正确选项。



  15.B。in addition表示“此外”,属于固定搭配。


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