Todd: 恩,Kerri, 你会开车吗?
Kerri: Yes, I can.
Kerri: 恩,会开。
Todd: Do you have a driver's license?
Kerri: I do.
Kerri: 有。
Todd: OK. So, how long have you had your driver's license?
Kerri: I think I got it when I was 17 actually.
Kerri: 我想我17岁就考了驾照了。
Todd: OK. How do you get a driver's license in your country?
Kerri: Well, I think it's changed since I was a teenager. At that time, you get a learner's permit. And then you start driving with your parents. And you'd also go to drivers ed. And then you had to pass a driving test. I think a written test as well.
Kerri: 恩,我想现在拿驾照和我小时候拿驾照应该不一样了。 那时候,你要先取得“初学者许可”,才能开车。然后你可以开始跟父母学,让他们教你开车。但是也要接受驾驶员培训。然后,你就可以去参加驾考了。我记得还有场笔试。
Todd: OK. Did you get a perfect score on your driving test?
Kerri: I was close to perfect, yeah. I can't remember my exact score but I remember it was pretty good.
Kerri: 差不多满分,恩。我不记得到底考了多少分了,不过我记得是挺不错的一个分数。
Todd: Do all the members of your family drive?
Kerri: Yeah.
Kerri: 是的。