A Hair of Dog的来由
朋友喝得酩酊大醉,而且醉了一宿,有什么解酒妙方吗?有,解方就是the hair of the dog (that bit you)。乍听起来,这二者好象风马牛不相及。
这个短语的本意是,如果被狗咬伤了,咬伤的部位必须得用从咬人的那条狗身上的狗毛来治疗。现在,The(A)hair of the dog (that bit you)已经成为一种幽默的用法,指用来解宿醉的酒(an alcoholic drink taken inthe morning because it is said to cure illness caused by drinking too much alcohol the nightbefore.)
TRAVIS: "Hello, De Smith! You're looking better than expected. I understood that you werecompletely crushed by that love affair. How did you recover?"
DE SMITH: "Hair of the dog that bit me. Fell in love with another girl."
显然,这里的“dog”就是指“女孩”了。所以如果你喝错了什么,用错了什么,后来又要用同样的东西做解药,你都可以说The(A) hair of the dog (that bit you).
He is dead drunk, and can not drive home. 他酩酊大醉,没法开车回家。
The men who seek intoxicating cups are men who invite their fates. 那些想喝得酩酊大醉的人是向命运挑战的人。