What Women Want
David:I’d also like to know here in China, what is your opinion about why, for what reason people get married, how they choose their husbands, and how they choose their wives.我想知道中国人为什么结婚,他们怎样挑选另一半,对这些问题你是怎么看的?
David:For women?只是对女人来说?
You:And for men, too, sometimes. 对男人也是这样的。
David:Tell me the Top 3 criteria women look for in men, in a husband. 能讲讲中国女人择偶的三条首要标准吗?
You:I guess they choose their husbands according to different criteria, but the basic criterion is love. When I choose a husband I’ll probably also consider his educational background. 我想她们挑选未来的丈夫有不同的标准,但最基本的是爱情。如果我选择的话,我还会考虑他的教育背景。
David:Educational background and love?教育背景和爱情?
You:是的,还有性格。Yeah, and personality as well.
David:I know what you mean. 我明白了。