Hollywood Movies
David:Do you like to watch American movies?你喜欢看美国影片?
You:比较喜欢。A little bit.
David:Oh, really? So you must know about Hollywood. Do you like Hollywood movies?那你肯定知道好莱坞,你喜欢看好莱坞的影片吗?
You:Yeah, I like Hollywood movies a little. I’ve seen different kinds of Hollywood movies, such as action movies like James Bond movies, romance movies like Titanic, and science fiction movies like Jurassic Park. Hollywood is a place where dreams come true. Have you ever been there? 是的,我喜欢好莱坞影片。我看过一些好莱坞影片:动作片《007系列》、爱情故事片《泰坦尼克号》、科幻片《侏罗纪公园》等等。好莱坞号称是“梦想之城”,你去过那里吗?
David:I’ve been there once. So what kinds of Hollywood movies do you like to go watch at the cinema?去过一次。那你是怎么看待不同种类的好莱坞电影呢?
David:You don’t like science fiction movies, like the Matrix? 你不喜欢科幻片吗?像《黑客帝国》?
You:I don’t like them, but I’m not sure if the Matrix is counted as a science fiction movie or an action movie. 不大喜欢。你觉得《黑客帝国》究竟像动作片呢还是科幻呢?
David:Matrix is more science fiction.更像科幻片吧。
You:哦,我不喜欢那样的电影。Oh, I don’t like movies like that.