You:你听说过满汉全席吗?Have you ever heard about Man Han Chuan Xi at all?
David:I am not sure. What was it like?不大清楚。能告诉我吗?
You:In the Qing Dynasty the court invented a special type of cuisine for the royal family, which included many elaborate dishes at one meal. It is called Man Han Quan Xi. 在中国清朝时期,宫廷里发明了一种包括很多道菜的美宴,称做“满汉全席”,不过只有极少数皇族才能够享用。
David:Sounds good. Let's go have some now. 听起来不错呀。我们现在就去吃。
You:It's practically impossible now because there are probably only a few people in the world who know how to make it. They say it takes three to four days for them to make just one meal. 恐怕不行。现在,也许只有少数几个人会做。据说做一次得花三四天的时间。
David:It's very time consuming. 那的确很浪费时间。
David:It's a fast paced world today. People don't have time to cook for five days for a meal.这是一个快节奏的社会。人们不可能花上五天时间去准备一顿饭。
You:这还不是最根本的问题。由于满汉全席菜肴种类繁多,程序复杂,所以大部分人根本就不知道是怎么做的。That's not the problem. The problem is that most people don't know how to cook it because there are so many kinds of dishes.