Where Do You Live?
You : You live on this street?
David : Yeah. 对。
You : 你还没搬家,你告诉过我你要搬家的啊?
David : I wanted to move and I still want to move. Maybe next month I will move. I always say next month, next month, next month. It has already been many months and I keep saying next month.
You : So you pay rent every month, not every season, right?
David : Every month. Maybe I should move to your neighborhood. Is it nice in Shangdi?
You : The traffic to Shangdi used to be bad, but now they have constructed another and better way to the area.
David : How is it better? 怎么个好法?
You : 路好了,交通也更方便了。那个地方非常火。我知道包老师以前就住在上地,不过他可能已经搬走了。
David : Oh, really. There are some new apartments in the west side of the city. Many people have moved there recently. Maybe he has as well.