例1 剑7 Test 2 Q 34
A German study showed there was greater ‘mixed handedness’ in musicians who
A started playing instruments in early youth
B play a string instrument such as the violin
C practice a great deal on their instrument
思路透析:题干中包括greater这个明显的比较级,提醒考生们注意的是,在实际的听力中,比较级的用词可以发生同义转换,但是这种比较关系的表达 一定在听力文本中是存在的,所以要特别关注在听力内容中比较的表达方式,答案就在其中。这与填空题是一致的,在填空题中如若发现比较表达方式,那我们可以 把它当特殊关键词来对待,耐心等待听力素材中的比较表达后即可得到答案。
实际做题:在实际做题中,当听到Germany study 时确定做题位置。
原文:keyboard players had high levels of mixed handedness, whereas string players like violinists strongly favored one hand. Also those who started younger were more mixed handed.
解题:从原文中我们不难看出,小提琴演奏者的用手习惯比较倾向于某一侧。所以排除B。紧接着出现的整句话里出现了两处比较级,more mixed handed 与greater mixed handedness 形成同义转换,younger 与选项A中的early youth 对应,所以正确答案为A。
例2 剑3 Test 1 Q 32
According to the speaker, the main cause of back pain in women is
A pregnancy
B osteoporosis
C lack of exercise
思路透析:在审题中发现有main cause 这样的间接比较提示词,那此题很显然要列出几个造成女性背疼的原因,但是要进行对比得出谁是主要原因。
实际做题:听到women 就确定了做题位置。
原文:The majority of our patients at the clinic tend to be women. They are especially vulnerable because of pregnancy but also because of osteoprosis, which I personally believe to be the major cause of problems for women.
解题:在原文中我们不难发现pregnancy 和 osteoprosis 是并列出现的,但是后者紧跟着就是一个非限定性的定语从句,指出后者是major cause,也就是main cause的同义转换,故答案为B。
例3 剑3 Test 3 Q 37
Ostrich meat
A has more protein than beef
B Tastes nearly as good as beef
C is very filling
实际做题:原文:Ostrich meat is slightly higher in protein than beef, and much lower in fats and cholesterol. It tastes good too. A series of European taste tests found that 82% of people prefer ostrich to beef.
解题:其实答案A 很明显,几乎是原词重现。B错误的原因是大多数人们觉得鸵鸟肉比牛肉好吃,并不是一样好吃。要注意在比较时经常加入slightly 这样的副词来修饰比较级。
总结:其实我们不难发现,在这三类雅思听力选择题比较考点中,第一类直接比较的题目还是最容易解答的,只要听准同样的比较表达方式,答案很容易得到; 第二类间接比较的题目也不是太难,关键在于掌握major,majority,main,mainly等提示词并注意它们之间互相同意转换即可;第三类隐 含比较还是比较难的,因为题干里虽然无比较,但是选项里有比较的特点,而且实际听力中又容易出现否定词搭配比较表达出现的形式,使学生的反映时间和速度受 到极大的影响,大大降低了解题正确率。请广大“烤鸭”们一定要耐心总结,戳穿选择题中的比较考查特点,做到明明白白,有的放矢!