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高一英语作文 我们的学校



Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is the diagram of Shanghai No. 102 Middle School. It is 720 meters long and 480 meters wide. It is pretty large middle school.

Its gate faces south. When you enter the gate, a beautiful flower garden comes into your view. Here are various plants and flowers and also a pool with green water and fish swimming freely. On the left of the garden is the school library building and on the right, the lab building. Go further and you will see a four-storeyed teaching building standing in the middle of the school. It was teaching offices at both ends. Behind the teaching building is a large playground and beside the playground is the dining hall. Trees are building is a large playground and beside the playground is the dining hall. Trees are planted all around the school. How beautiful the school looks! Welcome to visit our school.


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