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  1. You should keep calm during your _______ test. Do not be nervous.

  A. oral B. platform C. rude D. shield

  2. Our guide gave us a detailed _______ of this painting but we still do not understand.

  A. authority B. interpretation C. instruction D. institution

  3. Our _______ is London. But the plane took us to Paris.

  A. departure B. donkey C. destination D. discount

  4. Generally speaking, there is always a generation _______ in every country.

  A. gap B. break C. globe D. equality

  5. Careful planning and hard work will _______ our final success.

  A. enclose B. ensure C. discharge D. deny

  6. He _______ to his roommate for being so rude yesterday.

  A. worried B. doubted C. apologized D. dissolved

  7. When you take a picture, you should _______ carefully to get a sharp picture.

  A. focus B. object C. preserve D. fix

  8. The Chinese food in the United States is usually _______ for American people.

  A. exchanged B. altered C. modified D. cooked

  9. There are _______ approaches to English teaching. But not all of them are equally efficient for our Chinese students.

  A. double B. joint C. orginate D. diverse

  10. He has a bad impression of his _______ in the office.

  A. colleagues B. bullets C. barbers D. audience


  1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.A



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