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  1.This is a purely _______ problem, not a political one.

  A. additional B. advantage C. announce D. academic

  2.The _______ TOEFL score for entering this program is 600.

  A. less B. sandy C. stain D. minimum

  3.The best example of a paradox is the proverb ‘More _______, less speed’.

  A. haste B. range C. possession D. purse

  4.This company provides a very good _______ service for its products.

  A. maintenance B. merit C. philosophy D. pigeon

  5.There is more _______ in meat than in vegetables.

  A. dam B. protein C. cash D. bloody

  6.Do not _______ in the exam. This will do you no good.

  A. coin B. disaster C. cheat D. resort

  7.Because of the boring _______, we need to take a vacation every year.

  A. routine B. surgery C. rifle D. sake

  8.We need to _______ the purpose of the experiment again.

  A. clarify B. cheek C. claim D. clap

  9.I _______ great success for my study in this university.

  A. disgust B. proceed C. pioneer D. anticipate

  10.From the _______ from this examination, we know it is too easy for the students.

  A. feedback B. frost C. outline D. overlook


  1.D 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.D 10.A



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