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2024雅思考试听力材料-听力对话训练 13








Hello everyone, it's good to see that so many members of the public have shown up for our presentation on the new housing development planned on the outskirts of Nonston. I'm Mark Reynolds and I'm communications manager at the development. I'll start by giving you a brief overview of our plans for the development. So one thing I'm sure you'll want to know is why we've selected this particular site for a housing development. 

大家好,很高兴看到这么多公众出席我们关于诺斯顿郊区新住宅开发项目的介绍会。我是 Mark Reynolds,也是该项目的通讯经理。首先,我将简要介绍一下我们的开发计划。我相信你们一定想知道,我们为什么选择这个特定的地点进行住宅开发。

At present it's being used for farming, like much of the land around Nunston, but because of the new industrial center in Nonston, there's a lot of demand for housing for employees in the region, as many employees are having to commute long distances at present. Of course, there's also the fact that we have an international airport just 20 minutes drive away, but although that's certainly convenient, it wasn't one of our major criteria for choosing the site. 

目前,它和诺斯顿周围的大部分土地一样,被用于农业,但由于诺斯顿的新工业中心,该地区对员工住房的需求很大,因为许多员工目前不得不长途通勤。当然,还有一个事实,就是我们离国际机场只有 20 分钟车程,但尽管这确实很方便,但这并不是我们选择地点的主要标准之一。

We were more interested in the fact that there's an excellent hospital just 15 km away and a large secondary school even closer than that. One drawback to the site is that it's on quite a steep slope, but we've taken account of that in our planning, so it shouldn't be a major problem. We've had a lot of positive feedback about the plans, people like the wide variety of accommodation types and prices, and the fact that it's only a short drive to get out into the countryside from the development. 

我们更感兴趣的是,距离这里仅 15 公里的地方有一所优秀的医院,甚至更近的地方还有一所大型中学。该地点的一个缺点是它位于一个相当陡峭的斜坡上,但我们在规划中已考虑到这一点,所以这应该不是什么大问题。我们收到了很多关于这些计划的积极反馈,人们喜欢各种各样的住宿类型和价格,而且从开发区到乡村只需很短的车程。

We were particularly pleased that so many people liked the designs for the layout of the development, with the majority of people saying it generally made a good impression and blended in well with the natural features of the landscape, with provision made for protecting trees and wildlife on the site. Some people have mentioned that they'd like to see more facilities for cyclists, and we'll look at that, but the overall feedback has been that the design and facilities of the development make it seem like a place where people of all ages can live together happily.




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