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当你被邀请当众讲话时,你可以推介另一个人,或者自己作个较长的讲演,目的是说明、愉悦听众或说服听众。也许你是民间组织的节目主持人,或是妇女俱乐部的一员,有介绍下次会议主讲人的义务,或者你企盼要在当地的妇女会里讲演,或是在自己的销售小组、工会聚会或政治组织里讲话。在最后一节里,我会给你一些提示,教你准备较长的演讲,本节则帮助你准备介绍辞,同时也就颁奖和领奖方面提一点有用的建议。WHEN YOU ARE called upon to speak in public, you may introduce another speaker or make a longer talk to inform, entertain, convince, or persuade. Per?haps you are program chairman of a civic organization or a member of a women's club and you face the task of introducing the main speaker at your next meeting, or perhaps you are looking forward to the time when you will address the local PTA, your sales group, a union meeting, or a political organization. In Chapter Thirteen, I will give you hints on preparing the longer type of talk, and this chapter will help you to prepare a speech of introduction. I shall give you also some valuable hints on presenting and accepting awards.

约翰·马森·柏朗是作家兼演讲家,他活泼生动的演讲,在全国各地赢得了无数听众。一天晚上,他和将把他介绍给听众的主持人谈话。John Mason Brown, the writer and lecturer, whose lively talks have won audiences everywhere in the country, was speaking one night with the man who was to introduce him to his audience.

“别担心要说什么,”那个主持人对柏朗说,“放轻松点,我才不相信演讲还要准备。哼,准备有啥用,破坏了整个事的美感,也坏了兴头。我就只等着站起来时感觉来找我——还从来没有过闪失呢!”Stop worrying about what you are going to say, the man told Mr. Brown. "Relax. I don't believe in preparing a speech. Nope, preparation's no good. Spoils the charm of the thing; kills gaiety. I just wait for the inspiration to come to me when I'm on my feet-and it never fails."

这些信心十足的保证的话不禁让柏朗憧憬有一个好的介绍,他在《积习难去》一书里这样回忆。不料,这个人站起来却说出了这样的话:These reassuring words let Mr. Brown look forward to a fine introduction, he recalls in his book, Accustomed As I Am. But when the man arose to make it, it came out this way:

“各位先生,请注意一下好吗?今晚有个坏消息告诉你们,我们本想请艾瑟克·F.马可松跟各位讲演,可是他病了不能来。(鼓掌)然后我们又想请参议员柏莱锥基来向你们讲话……可是他又太忙了。(鼓掌)最后我们想请堪萨斯城的洛伊德·葛罗更博士前来对各位讲话也不成。(鼓掌)所以,我们只有——约翰·马森·柏朗来替代了。(鸦雀无声)”Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? We have bad news for you tonight. We wanted to have Isaac F. Marcosson speak to you, but he couldn't come. He's sick. (Applause.) Next we asked Senator Bledridge to address you ... but he was busy. (Applause.) Finally we tried in vain to get Doctor Lloyd Grogan of Kansas City to come down to speak to you. (Applause.) So, instead, we have-John Mason Brown. (Silence.)

柏朗先生回想这次的遭遇时只说:“至少我的朋友,那位大灵感家,总算说对了我的名字。”Mr. Brown, recalling this disaster, said only: "At least my friend, that inspirationalist, got my name correctly."

你当然看得出,那个确信自己的灵感可以应付一切的人,就算他原意就是要把事情搞砸,也不会比他现在弄得更糟了。他的介绍违背了作为介绍人的职责,也有愧于他对听众的职责。这样的职责并不多,但很重要,让人惊讶的是,许多节目主持人都不明白这一点。Of course you can see that this man, who was so sure his inspiration would carry him through, couldn't have done much worse if he had tried to do so. His introduction violated every obligation he had both to the speaker whom he was introducing and to the audience which was to hear the speaker. There aren't many of these obligations, but they are important, and it is astonishing how many program chairmen fail to realize this.

介绍辞具有与交际介绍相同的作用。它让演讲人和听众相会在一起,营造友好的气氛,在讲演者和听众之间建立起兴趣的桥梁。如果有人说:“你不必说什么话,你只需介绍讲演人就行了。”那么,这个人可就把事情看得太简单了。没有哪一种讲演比介绍辞更被人破坏得体无完肤了,这可能就是因为许多准备介绍辞的主持人瞧不起它的缘故。The speech of introduction serves the same purpose as a social introduction. It brings the speaker and the audience together, establishes a friendly atmosphere, and creates a bond of interest between them. The man who says, "You don't have to make a speech, all you have to do is introduce the speaker," is guilty of under statement. No speech is more mangled than the speech of introduction, probably because it is looked upon as unimportant by many chairmen who are entrusted with the duty of preparing and delivering it.

介绍辞——这个词是由两个拉丁文词素构成的,即intra(至内部)、ducere(引领)所构成——所以应该是引领我们完全地进入题目的内部,让我们想听听有关它的讨论。同时,它也应该引领我们了解演讲者,看看能显示他足以胜任对这一特别题目进行探讨的事实。换句话说,介绍辞应该能把题目“推销”给听众,也应将演讲人“推销”给听众,而且应尽可能在最短的时间内,把这些事情做完、做好。An introduction-that term was fashioned from two Latin words, intra, to the inside, and ducere, to lead-ought to lead us to the inside of the topic sufficiently to make us want to hear it discussed. It ought to lead us to the inside facts regarding the speaker, facts that demonstrate his fitness for discussing this particular topic. In other words, an introduction ought to "sell" the topic to the audience and it ought to "sell" the speaker. And it ought to do these things in the briefest amount of time possible.

这就是介绍辞应该做到的。可是在所有的介绍辞中,十之八九没有做到——我特别强调“没有”。多数的介绍辞都是拙劣的,既软弱又空泛。怎么会这样呢?如果做介绍的人明白自己任务的重大,而且以正确的方式去进行,他一定很快就会成为大家争相邀请的典礼主席或主持人了。That is what it ought to do. How does it? Nine times out of ten, no-emphatically no. Most introductions are poor affairs, feeble and inexcusably inadequate. They do not have to be. If the speaker making the introduction realizes the importance of his task and goes about doing it in the right way he will soon be in demand as a chairman or master of ceremonies.

以下的建议,可帮你准备一套组织完备的介绍辞。Here are some suggestions to' help you make a well organized speech of introduction.


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