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The Most Hilarious Kid School Photo Fails That Surely Made Their Parents Cry-Laugh


School days bring many precious memories where hilarity ensues just like it happened yesterday. And having your school photo taken was one of them. Mom would pick the clothes the night prior, and dad would coach you on posing in what was really just another good ol’ dad joke.


Fast forward to today, and the evidence persists. That holy school photo of yours is a gift that keeps on giving. Call it a free ticket to time travel, a hilarious vindication of your innocent days, but kids are gonna be kids, and as long as we have them, school photos will stay forever.


So this time, Bored Panda has compiled some of the most entertaining and funny school photographs where kids are totally nailing them—just not the way their parents would want them to. But hey, we’ve all been there and just because your little sis is going nuts in an elementary class shot, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. So please everyone, just calm down.

所以这一次,Bored Panda网站整理了一些最有趣、最搞笑的学校照片,孩子们完全在盯着这些照片——只是不是他们父母想要的方式。但是,嘿,我们都有过这样的经历,仅仅因为你的小妹妹在小学课堂上失控了,并不意味着这就是世界末日。所以请大家冷静下来。











图片来源:Liucija Adomaite


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