Disparaging vegans could now land you behind bars for discrimination, a UK labor court ruled.
On Friday, a tribunal in Norwich, England, determined that ethical veganism is a “religion or belief,” and one of the nine “protected characteristics” under the 2010 Equality Act.
上周五,英格兰诺里奇(Norwich)的一个法庭裁定,合乎伦理的素食主义是一种“宗教或信仰”,是2010年《平等法》(Equality Act)规定的9个“受保护的特征”之一。
The ruling comes after Jordi Casamitjana of London claimed he had been fired by the League Against Cruel Sports as a result of his ethical veganism. Casamitjana said he was compelled to blow the whistle on his former employer, who he says had invested pension funds into firms that tested on animals.
在此之前,伦敦的Jordi Casamitjana声称,由于他的道德纯素食主义,他被联盟反对残酷的体育运动解雇了。Casamitjana说,他被迫告发了他的前雇主,他说,他的前雇主把养老基金投资到动物试验公司。
According to the League Against Cruel Sports, Casamitjana, 55, had instead been dismissed for gross misconduct, adding that it is “factually wrong” to associate his firing with his beliefs. They also agree that ethical veganism should be protected.
Outside the tribunal last week, Casamitjana told the BBC, “I’m really, really satisfied and I hope all the vegans out there that have been supporting me — there have been many helping me in my crowdfunding — I hope they now feel their little donation has been properly used and all the vegans will benefit.”
Judge Robin Postle, who has yet to rule on Casamitjana’s dismissal itself, based the court’s decision against a series of benchmarks qualifying ethical veganism as belief worthy of protection, including the fact that the lifestyle is not incompatible with human dignity nor conflicting with the fundamental rights of others.
法官罗宾·波斯特尔(Robin Postle)尚未对卡萨米特哈纳被免职一事做出裁决,他的裁决基于一系列标准,这些标准将道德纯素食主义列为值得保护的信仰,包括这样一个事实:这种生活方式既不违背人的尊严,也不与他人的基本权利相冲突。
Postle called veganism “important” and “worthy” of regard in a democratic society: “I am satisfied overwhelmingly that ethical veganism does constitute a philosophical belief.”