Artist Byot Art and his buddy have found a creative way to celebrate their friendship. The duo started making comics about it. They titled their series "Goofy Gods Comics" and are imagining the everyday lives of gods. And they aren't just focusing on one religion: from Jesus to the twelve Olympians and even the Lord of Light from Game of Thrones, they're including everyone.
艺术家Byot Art和他的伙伴找到了一种创造性的方式来庆祝他们的友谊。这对搭档开始为此制作漫画。他们将他们的系列命名为“愚笨的上帝漫画”,并想象着上帝的日常生活。他们不只是专注于一种宗教:从耶稣到十二位奥林匹亚人,甚至是《权力的游戏》中的光之王,他们包括了所有人。
They release new content twice a week (or whenever they can), and even though the project started just months ago, they already have tens of thousands of followers on social media. And why wouldn't they? The stories take place in interesting locations, have well-developed characters, and surprising plots. But don't just take my word for it, continue scrolling and see for yourself!
More info: Instagram | Facebook