In the parallel universe of "The Freshest Foods," fruits and vegetables are brought to life and turned into charismatic characters whose daily routines and struggles are not much different from what we, humans, deal with. The creative mastermind behind these humorous digital drawings is illustrator/3D sculptor/b-boy Alex Solis, who is famous for his out-of-the-box ideas. These quirky illustrations might not save fruits and veggies from being eaten, but entertainment and a good laugh are guaranteed.
在“最新鲜的食物”的平行宇宙中,水果和蔬菜被赋予了生命,变成了有魅力的人物,他们的日常生活和奋斗与我们人类所面对的没有太大的不同。这些幽默的数字绘图背后的创意策划者是插画师/3D雕刻家/b-boy Alex Solis,他以开箱即用的想法而闻名。这些古怪的插图可能不会让水果和蔬菜免于被吃掉,但肯定能带来娱乐和欢笑。
Bored Panda reached out to Alex Solis to talk about the passion that he turned into a career.
Bored Panda采访了亚历克斯·索利斯(Alex Solis),谈论了他将这份热情投入到事业中的经历。
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图片来源:Alex Solis