Who doesn't wish they could interact with adorable fantasy animals? The Malaysian artist Yee Chong draws these little creatures digitally and brings them out into the real world. By the end of the post, you will probably want them to actually exist for you to own one.
谁不希望自己与可爱的幻想动物互动呢?马来西亚艺术家Yee Chong用数字技术绘制了这些小生物,并将它们带到了现实世界。在这篇文章的最后,你可能会希望他们真的存在,让你拥有一个。
The artist already has over 93,000 followers on his Instagram, and the number keeps growing by the day. One of his favorite characters are foxes, and he does it in a recognizable style. Scroll through the page but beware since you may experience excess cuteness.
More info: Instagram