It’s Pepsi — with double the pep.
PepsiCo is launching a new coffee-infused soda, which boasts twice the caffeine content as its standard soda’s 38 milligrams — but still well below the amount found in the same volume of coffee.
“Cola has been a pretty stagnant category over the last 20 to 30 years,” says Todd Kaplan, vice president of marketing for Pepsi. “As consumer preferences continue to evolve, we at Pepsi need to evolve as well to better meet those needs.”
百事可乐营销副总裁托德?卡普兰(Todd Kaplan)表示:“在过去20至30年里,可乐一直是一个相当不景气的品类。”“随着消费者偏好的不断变化,我们百事也需要不断变化,以更好地满足这些需求。”
Pepsi Cafe, which is available in coffee and vanilla flavors, comes months after rival Coca-Cola launched its own sugar-free, coffee-based drink.
在竞争对手可口可乐推出自己的无糖咖啡饮料几个月后,推出了咖啡和香草口味的百事可乐(Pepsi Cafe)。
Cola brands are suffering amid growing public concern over health and sugar consumption. More and more consumers are looking for beverages that serve a purpose — for energy or nutritional benefits. Moreover, drinkers are opening up to more hybrid bevs, such as spiked seltzers, which blend spirits or malt liquor with fizzy, flavored waters and attract healthy types who are looking to avoid added sugars, carbs or dyes. The emerging drink category is projected to reach sales of $1.5 billion by the end of this year.
This isn’t PepsiCo’s first foray into coffee, either. In 1996, the company did a yearlong test run of a breakfast drink called Pepsi Kona. Ten years later, the Harrison, New York-based corporation debuted Pepsi Max Cino, yet another coffee-flavored soda sans sugar.
这也不是百事公司第一次涉足咖啡市场。1996年,该公司对一款名为百事可乐(Pepsi Kona)的早餐饮料进行了为期一年的试运行。十年后,总部位于纽约哈里森的百事可乐公司推出了另一款咖啡味无糖可乐——百事Max Cino。
They are apparently “quite surprised about the synergy between cola and coffee,” says Danielle Barbaro, director of research and development at PepsiCo. “Once they tasted it, they saw that the flavors really blended.” She describes Pepsi Cafe as “cola forward” with notes of coffee, while the vanilla version imparts a creamier taste akin to a latte.
Coke Coffee has sold well internationally, CNN Business reports, though it hasn’t made its way to US markets at this point. Pepsi thinks it could take some time “for people to initially wrap their head around” the concept.