骑9个小时的自行车,在GPS app上画个驯鹿
A cyclist in the UK gets geared-up for Christmas in a unique way.
Anthony Hoyte, 51, has made a annual tradition out of tracing his bicycle routes on Strava, a GPS tracking app for athletes, in holiday-inspired shapes. This year, his bike ride in the north of London produced a reindeer — branching antlers and all.
51岁的安东尼·霍伊特(Anthony Hoyte)每年都要用一款专为运动员设计的GPS追踪应用Strava来追踪自己的自行车路线。今年,他在伦敦北部骑自行车时,画出了一只驯鹿——有分叉的鹿角。
Hoyte peddled for exactly nine hours and nearly 80 miles to draw.
“I’m pretty happy with it,” he told the Evening Standard. “Until you get back and upload it, you’re not quite sure whether it’s going to work or not.”
Though Hoyte pre-maps his routes, his cell signal will occasionally drop — resulting in occasional odd zags in the drawing or design.
“There’s a little glitch in there near Shepherd’s Bush where I obviously lost the GPS signal and it creates a straight line that cuts through a couple of street blocks, but that’s minor,” he noted.
“I made a couple of mistakes but they’re so small that nobody’s going to notice really,” Hoyte added. “I’m happy. It looks how I wanted it to look.”