Just a few month ago we found out who the best Wildlife Photographer of the year 2019 was and promptly congratulated Yongqing Bao with a well-deserved win. His winning photograph titled “The Moment” showcases a a young fox and a marmot in a moment of life and death. The hungry mother fox baring its teeth, the shock on the marmot’s face who just woke up from hibernation proved to be the perfect snap that won the recognition of the jury.
This time, the deciding factor is people and their votes. Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest just announced the 25 finalists of its LUMIX People's Choice Award and you can vote for the best photograph. The Natural History Museum has handpicked a selection of photographs from all over the world that didn’t make it to the finals of the first competition and gave you the power to decide which one deserves the title of fan favorite.
The voting deadline is on Tuesday 4 February 2020, so you have plenty of time to think hard and decide. In the meanwhile, let’s take a look at the stunning photographs showcasing different aspects of wildlife. From predators hunting prey to animals in captivity the images are a good reflection of the many aspects of our nature.
#1 "Station Squabble", Sam Rowley, UK
#2 "The Surrogate Mother", Martin Buzora, Canada
#3 "Mother Knows Best", Marion Vollborn, Germany
#4 "Winter's Tale", Valeriy Maleev, Russia
#5 "Trustful", Ingo Arndt, Germany
#6 "Tender Play", Steve Levi, USA
#7 "Inquisitive", Audun Rikardsen, Norway
#8 "What A Poser", Clement Mwangi, Kenya
#9 "The Unwelcome Visitor", Salvador Colvée Nebot, Spain
#10 "Teamwork", Jake Davis, USA