More college students are turning to their schools for help with anxiety, depression and other mental health problems and many must wait weeks for treatment or find help elsewhere as campus clinics struggle to meet demand, an Associated Press review of more than three dozen public universities found.
美联社(Associated Press)对30多所公立大学的调查发现,越来越多的大学生因为焦虑、抑郁和其他心理健康问题向学校寻求帮助,由于校园诊所难以满足需求,许多人必须等上几周才能得到治疗或到其他地方寻求帮助。
On some campuses, the number of students seeking treatment has nearly doubled over the last five years while overall enrollment has remained relatively flat. The increase has been tied to reduced stigma around mental health, along with rising rates of depression and other disorders. Universities have expanded their mental health clinics, but the growth is often slow and demand keeps surging.
Long waits have provoked protests at schools from Maryland to California, in some cases following student suicides. Meanwhile, campus counseling centers grapple with low morale and high burnout as staff members face increasingly heavy workloads.
“It’s an incredible struggle, to be honest,” said Jamie Davidson, associate vice president for student wellness at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, which has 11 licensed counselors for 30,000 students. “It’s stressful on our staff and our resources. We’ve increased it, but you’re never going to talk to anyone in the mental health field who tells you we have sufficient resources.”
“说实话,这是一场难以置信的斗争,”内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校(University of Nevada, Las Vegas)负责学生健康的副校长杰米戴维森(Jamie Davidson)说。“这给我们的员工和资源带来了压力。我们已经增加了,但你永远不会跟心理健康领域的任何人说我们有足够的资源。”
The Associated Press requested five years of data from the largest public university in each state. A total of 39 provided annual statistics from their counseling clinics or health centers. The remaining 11 said they did not have complete records or had not provided records five months after they were requested.
The data shows that most universities are working to scale up their services, but many are far outpaced by demand.
Since 2014, the number of students receiving mental health treatment at those schools has grown by 35 percent, while total enrollment grew just five percent. By last year, nearly 1 in 10 students were coming for help, but the number of licensed counselors changed little, from an average of 16 to 19 over five years.
On some campuses, that amounts to one counselor for every 4,000 students, including at Utah Valley University. An industry accrediting group suggests a minimum of one counselor per 1,500 students, but few of the 39 universities met that benchmark.
When Ashtyn Aure checked in at the mental health clinic at Utah Valley last year, she was suffering anxiety attacks and had not slept for days. Her mind kept returning to past traumas. When she asked to see a counselor, a staff member told her the waitlist stretched for months. She left without getting help.
去年,阿什汀·奥雷(Ashtyn Aure)在犹他谷(Utah Valley)的精神健康诊所登记入住时,她患上了焦虑症,好几天没睡。她的思绪总是回到过去的创伤。当她要求咨询顾问时,一名工作人员告诉她,等候名单已经排了好几个月。她没有得到帮助就离开了。