We have all seen street artists who hand-sketch quirky and exaggerated caricatures or photorealistic live portraits on the spot, perhaps you even have one of these artworks of yourself from your last holiday. Although these artists might be underappreciated because of the nature of their work, a talent and years of practice that goes into mastering portrait drawings are undeniable and worth recognition.
There aren‘t two same faces in the world. And before you think about twins, let me remind you that not even two sides of one face are symmetrical. This makes the work of a top-notch Saint Petersburg based street artist extremely admirable. Originally from Cheboksary, Nikolay Yarakhtin has been transferring every unique feature of different faces onto blank canvas using just a pencil for 28 years.
世界上没有两张完全相同的脸。在你考虑双胞胎之前,让我提醒你,即使是一张脸的两边也不是对称的。这使得圣彼得堡顶级街头艺术家的作品非常令人钦佩。尼古拉·亚拉赫京(Nikolay Yarakhtin)来自切博克萨里(Cheboksary), 28年来,他一直用一支铅笔在空白画布上画出不同面孔的所有独特特征。
“It takes me about an hour to make a portrait. Looking at the excitement of my clients seeing their portraits brings me a lot of joy and inspires me,” the artist, who has met a much larger and diverse audience on the streets of Saint Petersburg than any gallery could ever host, told Bored Panda.
“我花了大约一个小时来画一幅肖像。看到我的客户看到他们的画像时的兴奋给我带来了很多快乐,也激励了我,”这位艺术家告诉Bored Panda,他在圣彼得堡街头遇到了比任何画廊都多的形形色色的观众。
More info: Instagram | vk.com