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The World’s First Bee Influencer Is Trying To Raise Funds To Save Her Species


The modern world is constantly changing and these changes not only affect nature but are also cruel to many animal species. Industrial agriculture, parasites/pathogens, climate change, and many more factors cause species to face decline and sometimes even extinction. One of the species that recently raised public awareness for its decline is bees. However, while it's important to address these problems seriously and take urgent action to help the species, it doesn't mean that it has to be boring!


Therefore, without further ado, we introduce you to the first bee influencer called B who raises money to save bees. The latest "Instafamous" social media star has more than 122k followers and still growing on her Instagram account. It's actually a CGI honey-bee and the humans behind this funny account are Foundation de France (FDF), a leading philanthropy network established by the French government in an effort to save the bees. Their charity Bee Fund seeks to fund actions that will help to save the declining bee population. “In France, more than 30% of bee colonies disappear each year,” reads the Bee Fund site. “Protecting the bee is also protecting the human.”


B aims to save the world by generating ad revenue via social media and then donating everything to the Bee Fund charity. That means that the more followers they have, the easier for them it is to reach their goal. B's Instagram is actually very similar to those glamorous Instagram influencers: pitch-perfect shots in beautiful settings, stretching morning yoga poses in nature, replying to her followers from her bathtub, showing off perfect legs, enjoying wonderful sunsets in Montmartre, etc., so it's worth following!












More info: Instagram | beefund.fondationdefrance.org



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