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This Funny Cat Named Zelda Takes Over Twitter With Her Funny Posts


We love cats, especially when they have an adorably goofy look on their face and make us laugh with their antics. Curious Zelda the cat is a phenomenon on the internet. All because of two things: the permanently surprised look on her face, as well as the amusing and witty tweets its owner posts on the internet, alongside photos and videos of the feline.


We’d love to brighten up your day and make you feel all warm and fuzzy for the week to come, so we’ve collected some of the very best Curious Zelda tweets. Scroll down, peruse (or rather purruse) the list of tweets, and upvote the ones you enjoyed.


Bored Panda reached out to Curious Zelda’s owner to talk about the cat, to learn what it’s everyday life is like, as well as to find out what the inspiration behind making Zelda's social media accounts was.

Bored Panda 网站联系了好奇的塞尔达的主人,和他聊了聊这只猫,了解了它的日常生活,以及塞尔达社交媒体账号的灵感来源。

“Zelda’s amazing facial expressions and puzzling behavior. She is interested in everything, finding so much to do in such little space. I always wanted to do something creative (although I didn’t realize it would be cat poetry),” Zelda’s owner told us. Scroll down for the full meowtastic interview.










More info: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram



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