Looks like it took Jennifer Aniston only a couple of posts to figure out Instagram. After making her social media debut last week, the 50-year-old actress dipped her toes into the “Instagram vs. Reality” trend on Monday, sharing two behind-the-scenes pictures from her recent Variety Power of Women cover shoot.
“I’m just a girl….standing with hair and makeup,” the caption said, making a reference to Julia Roberts’ famous line in the 1997 rom-com Notting Hill: “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.”
Jennifer Aniston decided to post an honest behind-the-scenes pic to show how much it takes to make her look like she just ‘woke up like this’
Image credits: jenniferaniston
She also posted this pic from the photoshoot that shows her efforts didn’t go to waste
Image credits: jenniferaniston
“I have never seen someone enter Instagram more fully prepared. It’s a glorious master class. What an entrance, and then a #tbt, now an insta vs reality with a movie reference caption…wow. Art,” Entertainment Tonight host Lauren Zima commented under the post. While another fan wrote, “living for her posts already.”
“我从来没有见过有人比我更充分地准备进入Instagram。这是一个光荣的大师班。多么精彩的开场,然后是#tbt,现在是insta vs reality加上电影字幕……哇哦。《今夜娱乐》节目主持人劳伦·齐玛在帖子下评论道。而另一位粉丝写道:“已经在为她的帖子而活了。”
Other pics from the photoshoot suggests she was having fun the whole time
Image credits: nina.clare
According to her, “true power” comes from using one’s voice “to hold people up and bring people together.”
Image credits: nina.clare
“It’s funny, I’ve never actually thought of myself as ‘powerful.’ Strong, yes. But powerful, not [really]. It’s a distinction I’ve actually been thinking about a lot lately because that word — ‘power’ and its counterpart, ‘abuse of power’ — keeps coming up in light of what is happening in our country and in our industry, a rebalancing of the scales, I guess you could say.”
She also posted this lovely throwback pic along with the nowadays comparison a few days ago
Image credits: jenniferaniston