System32Comics is a comic series that is based on, you guessed it, computer humor. But that doesn't mean you have to fluent in C++ to understand them. All of these strips are based on everyday experiences of using a computer.
"I became obsessed with computers when I was about 15," the creator of the series, Andrew Gale, wrote on Bored Panda. "I had always wanted to own a gaming PC but my parents couldn't afford one. So, in an attempt to save money, I decided to try and build one myself and started researching the parts that I needed. The gaming PC has played a massive role in my life. Not only have I used it for gaming, but got into digital editing as well. It has taught me to edit videos, create animations and other digital art. This got me to a few first places winners in various film and art festivals and eventually lead me to create system32comics."
“我15岁左右就迷上了电脑,”该系列的创作者安德鲁·盖尔(Andrew Gale)在Bored Panda网站上写道。“我一直想拥有一台游戏电脑,但我父母买不起。所以,为了省钱,我决定自己动手做一个,并开始研究我需要的零件。游戏电脑在我的生活中扮演了一个重要的角色。我不仅用它来玩游戏,还用它来做数字编辑。它教会了我编辑视频、制作动画和其他数字艺术。这让我在各种电影节和艺术节中获得了几个第一名的奖项,并最终使我创建了system32漫画公司。”
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