Out of all the birds on Planet Earth, eagles are probably the coolest, hummingbirds are the most amusing, but when it comes to cuteness, we vote for ducks! They’re fluffy. They’re cuddly. They’ll brighten up even the darkest of days.
To put a smile on your face on this cold and blustery Autumn day, we here at Bored Panda have compiled a list of pictures of the cutest ducks we found. We hope you’ll enjoy yourself, so scroll down and upvote the quackos that you liked, and be sure to share this post with your friends who are in need of some cuddly cuteness in their lives. Let us know in the comments which duck was your favorite and why.
为了让你在这个寒风凛冽的秋日里面带微笑,我们Bored Panda网站整理了一组最可爱的鸭子照片。我们希望你玩得开心,所以往下翻,给你喜欢的图片投票,一定要把这篇文章分享给你的朋友们,他们的生活中需要一些可爱的东西。在评论中告诉我们你最喜欢哪只鸭子,为什么。
When you’re done with this list, check out Bored Panda’s posts about Petunia, the rescued duck, as well as how a kind duck retrieved a little boy’s slipper that fell down a hill.
当你看完了这个列表,去看看Bored Panda网站上关于获救的鸭子佩妮的帖子,以及一只善良的鸭子是如何捡回从山上掉下来的小男孩的拖鞋的。