It is always interesting to see the behind the scenes, especially when it comes to professional photography. Not only do we see the reality behind the pitch-perfect photos, but also realize the hard physical work that photographers have to go through and their super-creative approaches to ensure that they capture the very best depiction of their photoshoot. If that wasn't enough, there also comes the photo editing part!
Kai Böttcher is a talented 25-year-old self-taught photographer and retoucher who decided to share the behind the scenes of his stunning photoshoots. When he was only 14 years old, digital art became his passion and he started editing pictures and creating brand logos. As he got older, he became more interested in surrealism and photo manipulation so he decided to apply at The University of Kaiserslautern, which is specialized in Digital Art and Virtual Design. There he started focusing more on portraits as he realized that he loves getting feedback from his models as he perfectly captures their emotions. His marvelous portraits are filled with great colors, incredible bokeh, and mesmerizing tones and lights!
25岁的Kai Bottcher是一位自学成才的摄影师和修图师。当他只有14岁的时候,数字艺术成为了他的爱好,他开始编辑图片和创建品牌标识。随着年龄的增长,他对超现实主义和照片处理越来越感兴趣,于是他决定申请凯泽斯劳滕大学(University of Kaiserslautern),这所大学专攻数字艺术和虚拟设计。在那里,他开始更多地关注肖像,因为他意识到他喜欢从他的模特那里得到反馈,因为他完美地捕捉到了他们的情绪。他神奇的肖像充满了伟大的色彩,不可思议的波克,以及迷人的色调和灯光!
More info: Instagram | kai-boettcher.com
图片来源:Kai Böttcher