You think taming a lion is hard? Try making a cat take pills! Some owners don’t even bother: they pay the vet to do it. But Nick Filippou, the creative mind behind I iz Cat will show you that it’s completely possible to perform this task on your own. Like his 10-step comic guide shows, all it takes is just a little thinking outside the box.
你认为驯服一头狮子很难吗?试着让猫吃药!有些宠物的主人甚至不麻烦:他们花钱请兽医来做这件事。但是Nick Filippou, I iz Cat背后的创造性思维将向你展示,你完全有可能独自完成这项任务。就像他的10步漫画指南展示的那样,你所需要做的只是跳出框框思考。
“I’ve given pills to my own cat and some shelter cats I volunteer at,” Nick told Bored Panda. “It’s never a fun experience, haha. It’s kind of always been a battle.”
“我给我自己的猫和一些我志愿服务的收容所的猫吃药,”尼克告诉Bored Panda。“这绝对不是一次有趣的经历,哈哈。这一直是一场战斗。”
Seriously, though. Nick said some things do help. For example, a pill pusher. “[Or] little tricks [like] scuffing, wrapping the cat in a blanket, and popping the jaw open behind the back teeth. Still, once the pill goes in the mouth, it always pops back out, haha. That’s the battle.”
Right now, Nick has only one cat, Minnie. “She was formerly was a feral cat from Little Flower Rescue, and I got to meet her as a volunteer. I fell in love immediately.”
“I had another former feral, named Sylvia, who sadly passed away last year,” Nick said. “She was a tortoiseshell cat with three legs. I adopted both of them at the same time about four years ago. Sylvia had some serious tortitude… but she was a loyal and very cute cat. I miss her every day.”
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图片来源: iizcat.com