An Instagram travel influencer has defended herself after a hawk-eyed fan recently called out her photos for being a bit too picture-perfect, prompting the woman to admit that she edited them, but adding that she doesn’t understand what the fussy “big deal” is about.
Tupi Saravia of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has amassed a following of over 292,000 on Instagram, sharing glamorous snapshots of her exotic adventures all over the world. On Tuesday, one observant Twitter user called out the blogger after noticing that the cloudy sky featured in the background of a slew of recent photos was “spookily” the same across four images.
阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的Tupi Saravia在Instagram上有超过292000名粉丝,分享她在世界各地异域冒险的迷人照片。周二,一位细心的Twitter用户注意到,最近一系列照片的背景都是白云朵朵的天空,而四张照片的背景却“诡异地”完全相同,开始跟博主叫板。

“This travel ‘influencer’ spookily has the same clouds in every photo,” Twitter user Matt Navarra, who lists himself as a “social media industry commentator and consultant” in his profile, wondered in a now-viral post which has since been liked over 25,000 times.
Twitter用户马特·纳瓦拉(Matt Navarra)在其个人资料中把自己列为“社交媒体行业评论员和顾问”,他对一篇受25000多次点击、广受欢迎的博文感到质疑。
In the screenshot, Navarra shared a four-part image of Saravia swimming, lounging oceanside, walking through a grassy field and steering a boat – all under the exact same clouds.
For better or worse, Saravia has since responded to the backlash, revealing that she has no shame in editing her photos — like the set that was blasted online.

“I really don’t see the big deal [here], I never lied about it,” she said. “I haven’t done anything wrong, and it was never my intention,” the social media starlet told BuzzFeed News on Wednesday.
The Argentinian blogger continued to claim that she’s always remained open with her fans about editing her images for an optimal aesthetic.
“Actually I’m the first one to tell the joke [that] the clouds are following me around the world,” Saravia said. “I can’t believe how far this went.”