An online survey of 2,504 adults has found that 68 percent of Americans skipped a recreational activity in the last year because it would hit their wallets too hard.
Commissioned by personal finance website Bankrate, the survey also discovered that 42 percent of respondents skipped vacations, 32 percent didn’t attend a music concert, 28 percent had to refuse an opportunity to eat out with family and friends, 26 percent passed on attending a professional sports game, a trip to the zoo, amusement park or aquarium, and a quarter of people didn’t go to the movies.
For 43 percent of the time, the reason Americans missed out was because of cost — significantly, prioritizing paying off credit card and student loan debts or saving. The biggest reason for missing out, though, was that an activity was “not worth paying for,” according to 50 percent of respondents.
The 39-to-54-year-old contingent — Generation X — were the most likely to not have enough money for a vacation, the survey found. Parents were the most likely to pass up a trip due to money concerns, with 76 percent of participants with children under 18 saying they’d purposefully missed out on a fun activity in the last year.
More than any other generation, millennials were not able to afford a vacation due to student debt, with 21 percent saying it prevented them from going on holiday — compared to just 5 percent of baby boomers saying the same.
If only recreational activities near them were cheaper, a third of respondents said, they’d watch less TV, get off social media and go out instead.
Disconnecting from tech is not without its drawbacks, though: It can cause withdrawal symptoms, according to one recent study. But vacations are worth it: They are literally good for the heart.