What happens when you ask a group of elementary-school kids how they would teach their children manners if they were the parents? Based on the group of kids we brought together in Atlanta, you get a number of really good ideas. So, parents, listen up!
Katerina Hoysa, 8, said she would take her kids to a really nice restaurant so they could watch how the other diners behaved. "And they'll see how everyone else is doing it, and they'll start doing it too," Katerina said as part of CNN's video series called "If I Were a Parent," featuring conversations with children.
8岁的卡特琳娜·霍伊萨(Katerina Hoysa)表示,她会带她的孩子去一家非常好的餐厅,这样他们就可以观察其他用餐者的行为。“他们会看到其他人是怎么做的,他们也会开始这样做,”卡特琳娜在CNN的视频系列“如果我是父母”(If I Are Parent)中说。
Felipe Ramirez-Abrahamsson, 10, said he would teach his kids himself by sitting at a table and showing them how they should put napkins on their laps and keep their mouths closed while eating. And if that didn't work? "I would probably get them a private tutor if I had to do that," he said.
10岁的菲利普·拉米雷斯-亚伯拉罕松(Felipe Ramirez-Abrahamsson)表示,他会亲自教孩子们坐在桌子旁,向他们展示如何将餐巾放在膝盖上,以及在吃饭时保持嘴巴紧闭。如果那不管用呢?“如果我不得不这样做,我可能会给他们找一位私人家教,”他说。
If he were looking for someone to work privately with his kids, he might turn to Faye de Muyshondt, founder of socialsklz:-), which offers private and group programs to teach children and young adults the social skills they need for the playground and the classroom.
De Muyshondt came up with the idea for her business, now nearly eight years old, while teaching in the Department of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University.
De Muyshondt在纽约大学(New York University)媒体、文化和传播系任教时,提出了创办这家企业的想法。如今,她已经快8岁了。
"There was this wave of parenting ... it being so much about the child that there was an oversight on (the part of) the people around the child and the fact that we don't all operate independently, that we live in a village," she said.
By trying to secure our kids' happiness and provide them with the best and most enriched lives, we sort of forgot about the other half of it: that there are other people in the village, she said. "I think that that's had an impact on the way that kids socialize and interact also."
"Especially with modern technology, it's the skills that you and I maybe picked up by the time we were 10 or 12 years old, are taking longer and longer because there is less face-to-face interaction."