Dozens of college students from well-to-do families may be getting money reserved for poorer families thanks to a legal loophole: They're giving up custody of their children.
The tactic is legal, but ethically questionable, said Andrew Borst, the director of undergraduate admissions at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Chief among his concerns: Financial aid money is limited.
伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)本科生招生主任安德鲁·博斯特(Andrew Borst)表示,这种策略是合法的,但在伦理上存在问题。他最关心的问题是:财政援助资金有限。
"Money we give to one student is money not going to another student," Borst said.
Here's how the scheme worked. ProPublica Illinois and The Wall Street Journalindependently reported Monday that families near Chicago would give up legal guardianship of their children to relatives or friends. Students would then file for financial independence, which effectively opened the door to financial aid they wouldn’t have been able to access while under the legal care of their parents.
这个计划是这样运作的。伊利诺伊州ProPublica Illinois和《华尔街日报》周一分别报道说,芝加哥附近的家庭将把孩子的法定监护权交给亲戚或朋友。然后,学生们将申请经济独立,这实际上为他们提供了一扇门,让他们在父母的法律照顾下无法获得经济援助。
The University of Illinois started investigating after high school counselors from "fairly wealthy neighborhoods" had called to inquire about low-income orientation programs they were unfamiliar with, Borst said. The university dug deeper and found a pattern of students entering into a legal guardianship, though they were still supported by their parents, he said.
The scheme bears similarity to tactics adopted by Rick Singer, the mastermind behind the nation’s largest college admissions scandal. In Singer's scheme, rich families also used their resources to secure advantages normally dedicated to those in need.
该计划与里克•辛格(Rick Singer)所采用的策略相似。辛格是美国最大的大学招生丑闻的幕后策划者。在辛格的计划中,富裕家庭还利用他们的资源来确保通常专门为有需要的人提供的优势。
For instance, Singer would instruct wealthy families to have their children diagnosed with disabilities. As a result, they got more time to take the ACT and SAT, college admissions tests, which could translate to higher scores.
Borst said the University of Illinois had identified three students last year who had used guardianship to gain extra financial aid and potentially 11 students in the coming academic year. The university will not provide its own money to the students it has identified, but Borst said it can't legally prevent them from receiving federal or state money.