Huachito, ‘Huachi’, or simply ‘Hachi’ to some, is of an unknown breed. This remarkable dog has surprised the residents of Pope Paul Avenue, in Cochabamba, Bolivia, where he comes daily and waits for his master to return. Unfortunately, the dog’s owner passed away five years ago in a tragic accident.
According to Roman Lujan Bilbao, a local butcher, “It should be about five years since the owner died in a motorcycle accident. The dog has come and stood here ever since.” The locals have taken to feeding and caring for the dog while it waits patiently.
Roman Lujan Bilbao是当地的一名屠夫,他说:“自从5年前它的主人在一场车祸中丧生后,这只狗每天都来这里等他。”当地人也会喂养它照料它。
The story goes that in happier times, ‘Huachito’ would follow a young man riding a bike around the Avenue every day. The bike was hit by a taxi one morning, and its rider died on the way to the hospital. Ever since, Huachito has been roaming the streets, expecting to find his friend again.
Sometimes, he is unable to contain his disappointment and lets out miserable howls. Every time a bike passes by, he barks frantically, thinking that it might be his master. “He walks from corner to corner and comes back to where his owner died. He stands at that corner and howls,” said Elizabeth Martha Garcia, a local saleswoman.
有时候它也会控制不住难过的心情,发出悲惨的叫声。每次有摩托车经过时,它都会狂叫,以为那就是它的朋友。 Elizabeth Martha Garcia是当地的一名售货员,她说:“它从一个角落走到另一个角落,最后回到它朋友死去的地方,站在那嚎叫。”
Unknown to Huachito, he has been making new friends on the Avenue. The locals have grown extremely fond of him – kids play with him, neighbors feed him, and some families even want to adopt him. But that just doesn’t seem possible while Huachito remains loyal to his original master.
Dogs are such wonderful creatures; their loyalty is so beautiful and amazing. Here at OC, we’ve featured whose loyalty to their masters stretches beyond the border between life and death. There was Wang Cai – the Chinese dog that waited outside his dead master’s workplace for four years, Ciccio, who attended daily Mass at the church his master used to go to and Leao and Capitan, who refused to leave their respective owners’ gravesides for years.
狗人主人的忠诚让人吃惊,它们对主人的忠诚是超越是生死。一只叫旺财的狗在它主人死去的地方守候了四年,另一只叫Ciccio的每天到主人经常去祷告的教堂, Leao和Capitan好几年都不愿离开主人的墓地。