[10] A Walk in the Clouds 云中漫步
Shortly after the surrender of Japan, marking the end of World War II, United States Army Sgt. Paul Sutton returns to San Francisco to reunite with his wife Betty, whom he married — following a whirlwind courtship — the day before he departed for the Pacific. The war has left him with emotional scars, and he experiences flashbacks on a regular basis.
Paul's reunion with Betty is strained, especially after he discovers most of the letters he wrote her were set aside unopened. He is determined to make a go of the marriage however, and hopes to establish a new career for himself. Betty insists he continue to sell chocolates door-to-door, and he sets off to Sacramento. En route, he meets fellow bus passenger Victoria Aragon, a Stanford University graduate student whose Mexican-American family owns a vineyard in the Napa Valley...
二战结束后,思乡心切的大批美军士兵踏上旧金山港即投进久候的亲人的怀抱,但保罗·萨顿(基努·里维斯)久等仍不见其妻子的踪影,夕阳西沉时,他拖着孤单落寞的身躯走回家中,发现妻子早已改变,她的眼里只剩金钱不再有他。眼看家中已毫无温情,保罗也无心留恋,只是他再次外出离家是为工作。在火车上,保罗结识美丽的姑娘维多利亚·阿拉贡(Aitana Sánchez-Gijón),因为投缘,保罗将她一路细心照顾,而维多利亚在感激之余,向保罗倾诉了自己的不幸,听过她的遭遇后,保罗决定陪她返回家乡,尽其所能帮助她。