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听电影学口语 Lesson 25:[风中奇缘II]Bring her to the hunt ball






剪辑自《Pocahontas II》风中奇缘II
Rolfe: Sire(陛下), I gave these people your word you would meet. Are we not honor-bound—
Ratcliffe: The king is bound(被束缚) to nothing, when you can not fulfill your mission(任务). You were sent for the savage leader and yet you bring back a woman.
King: A woman!
Rolfe: Your Highness, she is royalty(王权)—a princess. She is the daughter of a great chief who has traveled far from her homeland in the interests of peace.
Ratcliffe: Meet with her, Your Majesty. May I suggest she attend the hunt ball? Let her go back to Virginia having witnessed the royal might and majesty of English society.
Rolfe: Sire, she doesn’t know our customs, to subject her to this kind of scrutiny(详细审查) would be---
Ratcliffe: I don’t understand, Rolfe. If she is not a savage, then why shouldn’t she fit in?
King: Excellent idea, Ratcliffe. Rolfe, you will bring her to the hunt ball. Prove to me she is as civilized as you claim, and I will stop my armada(舰队); if not, the armada sails.
Rolfe: But Sire—
King: It is decided.


1. You can not fulfill your mission. 你不能完成使命.
2. Why shouldn’t she fit in? 为什么她不能适应呢?
3. May I suggest she attend the hunt ball? 可以邀请她参加出发舞会吗?
4. Prove to me she is as civilized as you claim. 证明给我看她就像你所说的那样文明.
5. It is decided. 就这么定了.



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