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听歌学英语:let the sun shine in_Frente





听歌学英语一直以来都是大家钟爱的学习方式,歌词中的词汇及歌手的发音对英语学习都是很有帮助的。本期我们一起来欣赏的英文歌曲为let the sun shine in,希望你会喜欢!


Let The Sun Shine In


Mommy told me something

A little kid should know

It''s all about the devil

And I learned to hate him so

She said he causes trouble

when you let him in your room

He''ll never ever leave you

if your heart is filled with gloom

So let the sun shine in

Face it with a grin

Smilers never lose

And Frowners never win

So let the sun shine in

Face it with a grin

Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

When you are unhappy

The devil wears a grin

But oh he starts to run in

When the light comes prowling in

I know he''ll be unhappy

Cause I''ll never wear a frown

Maybe if we keep on smiling

He''ll get tired of hanging ''round

If I forget to say my prayers

The devil jumps with glee

But he feels so awful awful

When he sees me on my knees

So if you feel of trouble

And you never seem to move

Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in

So let the sun shine in

Face it with a grin

Smilers never lose

And Frowners never win

So let the sun shine in

Face it with a grin

Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin

Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin

Mommy told me something

A little kid should know

It''s all about the devil

And i learned to hate him so

If I forget to say my prayers

The devil jumps with glee

But he feels so awful awful

When he sees me on my knees

So if you feel of trouble

And you never seem to move

Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in

So let the sun shine in

Face it with a grin

Smilers never lose

And Frowners never win

So let the sun shine in

Face it with a grin

Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

So let the sun shine in

Face it with a grin

Smilers never lose

And Frowners never win

So let the sun shine in

Face it with a grin

Open up your heart and let the sun shine in



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