红包(red envelope)在中国传统文化中指春节时长辈给小孩的作为礼物的钱。红包的主要意义在于红色,因为它象征好运和祝福。此外,还有一种红包,是由晚辈送给老人的,意在期盼老人长寿。现在的红包泛指包着钱的红色包装,用于喜庆时的馈赠礼金,如婚礼和新店开张等。有时也指奖金(bonus)或贿赂他人的钱。送红包和收红包是中国人的传统习俗,展现了中国人礼尚往来(reciprocal courtesy)的人际关系。世界上凡是有华人的地方,红包文化都赫然存在。
In traditional Chinese culture, a red envelope (red packet) refers to money given as a gift by elders to children during the Spring Festival. The primary significance of the red envelope lies in its color—red, which symbolizes good luck and blessings. Additionally, there is another type of red envelope given by younger generations to elders, intended to wish for their longevity. Nowadays, the term "red envelope" broadly refers to a red packet containing money, used as a gift for celebrations such as weddings and the opening of new businesses. Sometimes, it also refers to a bonus or money used to bribe others. Giving and receiving red envelopes is a traditional custom among Chinese people, reflecting the reciprocal courtesy in Chinese interpersonal relationships. Wherever there are Chinese people in the world, the culture of red envelopes is prominently present.
red envelope (red packet):红包
Spring Festival:春节
good luck and blessings:好运和祝福
broadly refers to:泛指
bribe others:贿赂他人
reciprocal courtesy:礼尚往来
prominently present:赫然存在