泰山位列五岳之首,地处山东省的中部,位于济南、长清、肥城、泰安之间,东西长约200公里,南北宽约50公里。其主峰为玉皇顶,位于泰安市北面,海拔1545米。泰山雄伟壮观、峻拔突兀 (precipitous),有着许多独特的自然奇观及人文景观。登临泰山需走九曲十八盘的 (zigzag and tortuous)路程,沿途可尽情饱览绚丽的风光。登上日观峰,举目远眺,无限风光,摄人心魄。泰山历来是画家和诗人的钟爱的聚集地,泰山的日出与日落更是闻名遐迩。
1. 位列五岳之首:译为ranks first of the five great mountains in China,“位列”译为rank;虽然原文没有出现“在中国”之类的限定词,但是在译文中应该给出。
2. 其主峰玉皇顶,位于泰安市北面:描述物体方位时可以采用倒装句,此处译为“North of Tai'an city stands Mount Tai's main peak”。“位于”还可以译成locate或situate。
3. 登临泰山需走九曲十八盘的路程:此处用以说明登顶泰山的艰难,并非真的九曲十八盘,所以不需要直译。
4. 登上日观峰,举目远眺,无限风光,摄人心魄:中文多短句,在翻译时要弄清原文的意思和逻辑结构,将短句合成长句。前两个短句“登上日观峰,举目远眺”译成时间状语;后两个短句译成主谓关系的被动句式。“摄人心魄”翻译成find ourselves carried away,为“动词+宾语+补语”结构,carry away原意为“使激动,不能自制”。
Mount Tai
Mount Tai ranks first of the five great mountains in China and is situated in central Shandong Province, spanning four cities of Jinan, Changqing, Feicheng, and Tai'an. It stretches about 200 kilometers from east to west in length and about 50 kilometers from north to south in width. North of Tai'an city stands Mount Tai's main peak, Jade Emperor Summit, rising to 1,545 meters above sea level. It has a majestic and precipitous appearance as well as a diverse range of unique natural wonders and cultural landscape. To reach Mount Tai's summit, we will follow the zigzag and tortuous path, along which we can have a good view of the beautiful scenery. When we reach the Riguan Peak and look around in the distance, we will find ourselves carried away by the endless view of scenery. Mount Tai, which has all along been the preferred gathering place for artists and poets, is still more famous for its spectacular sunrise and sunset.
早在殷商时期(Yin and Shang Periods),我们祖先便已确立了东、南、西、北、中五个方位。太阳初升的东方代表了冬去春来、万物繁衍昌盛(life's fertility)的景象,是生命之源和希望与吉祥的象征,所以地处东方的泰山一直被视为吉祥(propitious)之地。西周前已有72位君主登临泰山祭祀。历代帝王借助泰山的神威巩固自己的统治,使泰山的神圣地位被抬升到了无以复加(in the extreme)的程度。历代文化名人纷至泰山进行诗文著述,留下了数以千计的诗文刻石,他们给泰山留下了丰富的文化遗产。泰山现存古遗址97处,古建筑群22处,为研究中国古代建筑史提供了重要的实物资料。因其极大的旅游价值和文化价值,泰山很早便被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会列入联合国《世界自然与文化遗产名录》(The World Natural and Cultural Heritage )之中。