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In recent years, the field of biomimicry has gained significant attention. Biomimicry, a science that draws inspiration from nature, has led to numerous innovations in various industries. From aircraft design to medical devices, the imitation of natural processes and structures has proven to be highly effective.


One of the most fascinating aspects of biomimicry is its application in architecture. Architects are inspired by the shape, structure, and function of natural elements to create sustainable buildings. For example, the use of geodesic domes, modeled after the shell of a turtle, provides both strength and stability to structures.


Moreover, biomimicry is also being extensively studied in the field of textiles. Designers are replicating the unique textures and properties of natural fibers like spider silk to create fabrics that are both durable and lightweight. These fabrics have the potential to revolutionize the fashion industry.


In the realm of transportation, biomimicry has inspired the design of vehicles that are more efficient and environmentally friendly. For instance, the shape of a shark's skin has been replicated in the design of aircrafts to reduce drag and improve fuel efficiency.



1.Which field has biomimicry gained the most attention in recent years?
A. Architecture.
B. Medicine.
C. Fashion.
D. Transportation.

2.What is the advantage of geodesic domes?
A. They are cheap to build.
B. They are energy-efficient.
C. They are strong and stable.
D. They are easy to maintain.

3.What is the potential impact of biomimicry in the fashion industry?
A. It will lead to more sustainable materials.
B. It will revolutionize the way people dress.
C. It will reduce the cost of fashion production.
D. It will increase the variety of fashion styles.

4.What is the inspiration for the design of aircrafts in terms of biomimicry?
A. The shape of a bird's wing.
B. The texture of a spider's web.
C. The shape of a shark's skin.
D. The structure of a turtle's shell.



解析:根据第一段“In recent years, the field of biomimicry has gained significant attention. Biomimicry, a science that draws inspiration from nature, has led to numerous innovations in various industries.”可知,近年来仿生学领域受到了广泛关注,并在各行各业中催生了众多创新。而第二段明确提到了仿生学在建筑领域的应用,因此可以得出仿生学在建筑领域获得了最多的关注。


解析:根据第二段“For example, the use of geodesic domes, modeled after the shell of a turtle, provides both strength and stability to structures.”可知,测地线穹顶的设计模仿了乌龟壳,为建筑提供了强度和稳定性。因此,测地线穹顶的优势是既坚固又稳定。


解析:根据第三段“These fabrics have the potential to revolutionize the fashion industry.”可知,仿生学在纺织领域的研究有可能彻底改变时尚产业。因此,仿生学在时尚行业中的潜在影响是它将改变人们的穿着方式。


解析:根据第四段“For instance, the shape of a shark's skin has been replicated in the design of aircrafts to reduce drag and improve fuel efficiency.”可知,在仿生学的启发下,飞机的设计模仿了鲨鱼皮肤的形状,以减少阻力并提高燃油效率。因此,飞机设计的灵感来源于鲨鱼皮肤的形状。



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