B: Just once, but the teacher found out and put a quick stop to it.
bully n. 恃强欺弱者
vt. 威吓,欺负
A: I must buy Time this week, there will be a bumper issue.
B: It must be larger on account of the new year.
bumper n. (汽车上的)保险杠,缓冲器
a. 特大的,丰盛的
A: Why do you always wear your hair in a bun?
B: Because I think it is very elegant.
bun n. 1. 圆形的小面包或点心;2.(女子的)圆发髻
A: As a child I always wanted to sleep on the top bunk.
B: Me too, but so did my brother so we always argued.
A: Hey, will you do a bunk today?
B: No, I am afraid that the teacher will find out.
bunk n. 1. (车,船等依壁而设的)铺位;2. 空话,废话
do a bunk 匆忙逃走
A: Typical bureaucracy, always too many forms to fill in.
B: Be patient, you can not change the whole system straight away.
bureaucracy n. 1.官僚主义,官僚作风;2. 政府机构,官僚
A: A burglar broke into our house last night and stole the TV.
B: My goodness, did the police catch him?
burglar n. 窃贼,破门盗窃者
A: John’s sudden death was tragic.
B: I know, I would like to go to the burial to show my respect to his family.
burial n. 葬,掩埋,葬礼
A: Did you spot where the rabbit just went?
B: Yeah, into his burrow by the tree.
burrow vt. 1. 挖掘(洞穴);2. 钻进
vi. 1. 挖洞;2. 翻寻
n. 地洞
A: He bust into the room and started shouting at me.
B: Well, you should have locked the door.
bust vt. 打破,打碎
vi. 爆裂,坏掉
n. 1. 胸像,半身像;2. 胸部,胸围
A: I hate going into the city at the weekend.
B: I agree, too much bustle and people.
bustle vi. 闹哄哄地忙乱,奔忙
n. 1. 忙乱,喧扰;2. 裙撑,衬垫
A: Could you please put your cigarette butt into the ashtray rather than on the floor?
B: Sorry, I did not realize it would bother you.
butt n. 1. 笑柄;2. 烟蒂;3. 枪托;4. 大酒桶,大水桶;5. 臀部
v. 用头撞或顶
butt in 插嘴,插手,干涉
A: There is a wonderful atmosphere at this party.
B: Yes, there is a great buzz.
A: What is that annoying noise?
B: My alarm clock buzzing. I forgot to switch it off.
buzz vi. 1. 发出嗡嗡声;2. (around, about)忙乱,急行;3. 发出嘈杂的谈话声
n. 1. 嗡嗡声;2. 嘈杂的谈话声
A: The local government wants to build a bypass to direct traffic away from our town.
B: That will be bad for business in the town. What do the locals think about it?
bypass n. 1. (绕过市镇的)旁道,迂回道;2. 分流术,旁通管
vt. 1. 绕过,绕……走;2. 越过,置……于不顾