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   1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。

   ① contra-

   ② super-

   ③ sub-

   2. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

   ① inconvenient a.

   ② adventurist n.

   3. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。

   ① conventioneer       a.发明者;创造者

   ② inventor          b.预防者;预防药

   ③ preventer         c.冒险家

   ④ intervenor         d.到会的人

   ⑤ adventurer         e.干涉者

   4. [词义判断]选择最恰当的词义。

   ① provenance n.  A.避免  B.省长  C.来源

   ② eventuality n.  A.发明  B.冒险  C.不测事件

   ③ prevenient a.  A.领先的 B.预防的 C.流行的

   5. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

   A. venture n.冒险;冒险行动→① venturesome a.

              →② venturous a.

              →③ venturer n.

   B. convention n.惯例;常规→① conventional a.

              →② conventionality n.

              →③ conventionalize v.

   6. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

   ① advent n.(事件,时期等)出现,到来

   ② adventitia n. [解]外膜

   ③ adventitious a.外来的;偶然的

   ④ revenant n.(流放等后)归来的人;亡魂;鬼

   ⑤ venue n.集合地点;聚会地点[法律]犯罪地点

   ⑥ convent n.女修道院;女修道会

   conventual a.女修道院的;似女修道院的

   96. vert, vers [L]=to turn转

   词根vert来自拉丁动词vertere,意为to turn(转,旋转,转变)。vers是这个动词的反复形式versare的词干部分,也是动名词versum的词干部分,可以用来构成动词、名词或形容词。

   convert [con-(com-)表加强词义;vert = to turn 转变→] v. ① turn or change 改变;改成:to convert an old temple into a night school把旧庙改成夜校② transform转变,变换:to convert dollars into pounds把美元换成英镑

   ▽convertible [convert;-ible a.] a.可改变的;可转换的

   conversion [con-;vers;-ion n.] n.变换;转化;更换

   converse [con-(com-)表加强词义;vers=to keep turning不断转变;-e→“to keep turning one's ideas into another's, or exchange ideas不断把自己的想法变成对方的想法,交换看法”→] v. talk familiarly交谈;谈话/Whom did you converse with just now?刚才你和谁交谈了?

   ▽conversation [convers(e);-ation n.] n.谈话;会话

   conversable [convers(e);-able a.] a.容易谈得来的;健谈的

   reverse [re-=back, against回,反;vers=to turn转;-e→] v.① turn back;return回转;倒退:He reversed at the gate.他在大门口转过身来。② turn upside down, inside out, etc.颠倒;翻倒等:He reversed the coat so that the fur was on the outside.他把大衣翻过来,让毛皮露在外面。

   ▽reversion [revers(e);-ion n.] n.反转;反向

   reversible [revers(e);-ible a.] a.可逆的;正反两面可用的

   universe [uni=one, or the whole一体,整体;vers=to keep turning不断旋转;-e→“the whole heavenly body that was supposed to keep turning round the earth在前人看来不断绕地球旋转的整个天体”→] n. the cosmos;the whole world;all things in the world宇宙;世界;天地万物:Our earth is only a small part of the universe.我们的地球只是宇宙的一小部分。

   ▽universal [univers(e);-al a.] a.宇宙的;全世界的;全体的

   university [univers(e);-ity n.] n.综合性大学(各学科共一体)

   avert [a- (ab-) = away 开;vert = to turn 转→] v. ① turn away 转开:When he showed his wound , she averted her face.他露出伤口时,她转开脸。② ward off;prevent避开;防止:Preparedness averts peril.有备无患。

   ▽averse [a-;vers;-e] a.不情愿的;反对的

   aversion [a-;vers;-ion n.] n.厌恶;反感;讨厌的人或物

   divert [di-(dis-)=aside偏离;vert=to turn转→] v.① turn aside from a set course转变方向,转移:to divert the course of a river让河流改道②turn apart one's mind from work;distract or entertain使欢娱;娱乐:The students were diverted by a puppet show.招待学生们看木偶戏。

   ▽diversion [di-;vers;-ion n.] n.转向;转移;消遣;娱乐

   diverse [di-(dis-)=away离开;vers=to turn转变;-e→“being turned away from the origin被转变离开原样的”→] a.① different or unlike不一样的:diverse ways不同的方法② various多种多样的:diverse suggestions各种各样的建议

   ▽diversify [divers(e);-ify v.] v.使不同;使多样化

   pervert [per-=wrongly错误地;vert=to turn转变→]Ⅰv.① turn wrong or from the right course;corrupt使变坏;使堕落:to pervert one's mind腐蚀思想 ② turn from truth;wrest from the true meaning歪曲;曲解:to pervert the text intendedly故意曲解原文→Ⅱn. one who turns from the right course or corrupts入邪道者;堕落者

   ▽perverse [per-;vers;-e] a.不正当的;堕落的;违反常情的

   perversion [per-;vers;-ion n.] n.走入邪路;堕落;歪曲

   perversive [per-;vers;-ive a.] a.造成堕落的;歪曲性的

   subvert [sub-=under下面;vert=to turn翻转→“to turn down from under从下面推翻”→] v. overturn from very foundation推翻,颠覆:They tried to subvert the republic.他们想颠覆共和国。

   ▽subversion [sub-;vers;-ion n.] n.颠覆

   subversive [sub-;vers;-ive a.] a.颠覆性的;起破坏作用的



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